Top News of Last Week with ANA
9:20 - September 30, 2024

Top News of Last Week with ANA

TEHRAN (ANA)- Find the news, features, articles, videos and more about the latest scientific and technological advances in Iran as well as other world countries in the past week (September 16-22) on ANA.
News ID : 7151

Azad News Agency (ANA) published a number of scientific and technological news during the past week whose top ones are as follows:

Iranian Engineers Attain Technology to Store 96 Electrical Switch Tests in Internal Memory

A knowledge-based company in Iran has achieved the technology of storing 96 types of electrical switch tests in the internal memory and transferring it to the computer.

“This is an industrial technology product that is used in the electricity (power) industry and the power switch testing system (time test and travel test BT12) for testing and analysis,” Behnaz Moradi Qiyasabadi, a member of the board of directors of the knowledge-based ‘Tarasheh Pardaz Pouya’ company, stationed at the incubator center of the Islamic Azad University’s Damavand branch, told ANA.

Elaborating on application of BT12 in the power switch testing system, he said, “It collects and stores qualitative information related to various components of power switches (breakers and sectioners) to decide about the quality of the switch's performance.”

“BT12 applies all types of maneuvers on the power switch and extracts the electrical and mechanical information of different parts of the main and auxiliary contacts, connecting and disconnecting buoys, charging motor, key spring, etc., provides detailed analysis of key performance, and is able to test all types of V and T power switches, do sampling of the speed of the desired inputs is KHZ10, store 96 tests in the internal memory and transfer them to the computer, print the results of the tests performed through the internal printer, and measure and sample the current of the engine and motor,” Moradi Qiyasabadi said.

Iran Unveils 3 Knowledge-Based Industrial Products

Iranian Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Hossein Afshin unveiled three knowledge-based industrial products, named Datis welding laser, silica aerogel and portable methane gas suction laser leak detector.

Afshin attended a ceremony at the science and research center of Isfahan and unveiled the three products made by the Iranian knowledge-based companies.

Elaborating on specifications of Datis welding laser, Javad Rayee, the chairman of the board of directors of the company which manufactured the product, said that very high accuracy and speed, a significant increase in productivity, heat reduction, no deformation of parts and high strength are among the features of this product.

“It can be used in the automotive, electronics, jewelry and medical industries,” he added.

Official Underlines Self-Sufficiency of Iran’s Petrochemical Industry in Production of Catalysts

CEO of the National Petrochemical Company (NPC) Morteza Shahmirzayee announced that Iran’s petrochemical industry has gained independence and self-sufficiency in production of catalysts after 116 years.

Shahmirzayee made the remarks, addressing the opening ceremony of the 18th Iran Plast International Exhibition held in Tehran on September 8-11.

Before 1979, the country’s petrochemical sector with just five petrochemical plants was fully dependent on foreigners from designing to production, he said.

Shahmirzayee further said that Iran’s petrochemical sector owes 95 percent of its progress to after-revolution activities, adding the sector has taken great steps in the direction of domestic production of its technical know-how needs.

Iran-Made Nanocatalytic Converter Decomposes over 90% of Exhaust Emissions

A leading knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in obtaining valid international approvals and a license to make products for major auto-making companies in the world by producing a nanocatalytic converter which decomposes over 90% of exhaust emissions.

The knowledge-based company designs and develops all types of car catalysts and provides laboratory services, and in this regard, it has succeeded in obtaining valid international approvals and production licenses for the world's major car manufacturers.

Since 2004, the company has been one of the most important suppliers of this component to the country's automotive industry with the mass-production of nanocatalyst and nanocatalytic converters. The nanocatalytic converters produced by the company are consumable parts that are placed in the exit path of the engine of all vehicles and convert over 90% of the polluting gases resulting from the combustion of the engine into safe gases.

These nano-based products are made by coating a central core with precious metals which play a major role in reducing pollutants.

The purpose of using a nanocatalyst in the car is to reduce the amounts of hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from the exhaust gases and convert them into less harmful gases of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water.

Iranian Scientists Produce Cell Sheets for Treatment of Diabetic Wounds, Severe Burns

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company, affiliated to Royan Research Institute, have presented two skin products to the pharmacies across the country which are used to treat diabetic wounds and the 3rd degree burns.

“This knowledge-based company is active in production of multiple cell, tissue and gene therapy products. Recently, two skin products which are tissue cell sheets have entered the country's official pharmaceutical list,” Sara Pousti, a researcher of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

“These products are used for people who have severe diabetes and their diabetic foot ulcers lead to amputation, or people who have hard jobs and have suffered third degree burns and deep bruises,” she added.

“When these cell sheets are transplanted on the burn area or diabetic foot wounds, they cause complete restoration of the lost tissue and prevent amputation,” Pousti noted, adding that the safety, sterility, identity, effectiveness, degree of purity and performance of the final product of these two products have been approved by experts through various quality control tests.

Iranian Company Uses Biological Method to Produce Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles

A technological company in Iran succeeded in production of zinc oxide nanoparticles by using a biological method.

“Zinc oxide is a nanoparticle produced biologically. It seems that the future of nanoparticles depends on biological production methods since it has the least side effects,” said Zahra Sobhsouz, one of the researchers of this company.

“We have also produced these nanoparticles by using biological methods which can be used in various fields,” she added.

Sobhsouz said that the company is also implementing other projects, including production of nanocarriers, adding, “We have also produced bacterial nanocellulose and we invite those interested to visit this year's exhibition to see these achievements.”

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company to Launch Smart AI-Based Hospital

An Iranian knowledge-based company developed a platform based on artificial intelligence that can instantly diagnose a patient's illness based on medical images.

“So far, we have designed and supplied several international products, among which we can mention a medical hospital capable on using image processing and artificial intelligence to diagnose different diseases,” said Hossein Mostakhdemin Hosseini, the chairman of the board of directors of the knowledge-based company.

“This hospital is a smart system where users and treatment staff can create a panel for themselves, and 8 diagnostic modules have been considered in it so far,” he noted, adding that the 8 treatment modules include liver cancer, brain tumor, MS disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, knee, kidney and cataract.

“The medical image received from the patient is presented to this platform and it announces its diagnosis at the same moment, and experts can also give their opinion on the AI ​​report,” Mostakhdemin Hosseini said.

Iranian Researchers Produce Toothpaste for Diabetics

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company produced the first toothpaste for the diabetics by using local plants with the aim of reducing the complications of diabetes like dry mouth and bleeding gums.

“Our knowledge-based company has recently unveiled the first toothpaste for the diabetics in Asia and Africa,” Seyed Hamid Nazer, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

“This product has been designed by using three native Iranian plants, including phalsa, walnut skin and black seed and is specially optimized to reduce the complications of diabetes like dry mouth and bleeding gums,” he added.

Noting that similar products in the US and Europe are only strengthening and not curative or preventive, Nazer said, “This toothpaste has been developed specifically for diabetics and we have used special sweeteners in this toothpaste.”

Iranian Experts Make Anesthesia Machine to Determine Patient's Breathing Rate, Consciousness

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company succeeded in designing and building an advanced model of anesthesia machine that determines the patient's breathing and consciousness.

“This artificial respiration device can take care of the patient's breathing for 4-5 hours during surgery. The monitor of this device shows a series of parameters to the doctor during surgery,” Hossein Azimzadeh, the deputy managing director of the knowledge-based company for technical affairs, told ANA.

“The level of anesthesia or the patient's breathing per minute is determined by this device,” he added.

Noting that at present only a few countries like Britain, the US, Germany, China and Iran have achieved the know-how of making this technology, Azimzadeh said, “Also, the 18-inch monitor of the device has been upgraded so that the user can make all the parameters manually. This model can be connected to a capnograph (a widely used medical product to measure the amount of carbon dioxide in the volume of saturated air from a patient's lung) and a laryngoscope (larynx examination using a small mirror or a hard and flexible tube).”

Iranian Experts Indigenize Trocar for Laparoscopy Surgeries

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company succeeded in designing and producing trocar for laparoscopy surgeries.

“The increasing growth of minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopic surgeries in the country and around the world made us move towards the production of consumable tools for these procedures, and as a result, we started designing and manufacturing laparoscopic surgery trocars,” said Sadeq Jangjou, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

Noting that the sterile disposable laparoscopic trocar is used in laparoscopic surgeries, urological surgeries, gynecological surgeries and other surgeries that are performed through the abdomen, he said, “It makes the entry path of endoscopic and urological instruments clear.”

“The two product categories of this company are laparoscopic trocar size 5 with blade and balloon and size 12 without blade and camera for transferring tools, equipment and camera inside the abdomen,” Jangjou said.

Iranian Specialists Produce High-Pressure Reciprocating Hydrocompressor

Specialists of a knowledge-based company in Iran produced reciprocating compressors for compressing a wide range of gases in the capacities and pressures required by customers.

“Previously, the first high-pressure reciprocating hydro compressor was made in our company and it was unveiled for the first time in Iran. We have succeeded in making the first high-pressure mechanical reciprocating compressors that are fully indigenous with all the standards of the world after about 10 months,” said Mohammad Afkanpour, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

Noting that the compressor can be used to compress various gases like hydrogen, natural gas, oxygen, carbon dioxide, flare gas, etc., he said, “One of the unique features of the manufactured compressor is much less vibration (about half) compared to its foreign models.”

“By acquiring the know-how and technology of making this compressor, the company is able to manufacture all types of mechanical reciprocating compressors (linear, W and V-shaped) as well as hydro compressors for different types of gases up to an output pressure of 750 bar and a flow rate of 1000 cubic meters per hour,” Afkanpour said.

Iran-Made Remote-Controlled Smart Welding Machine Improves Safety of Welders

Specialists of a knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in producing a remote-controlled smart welding device that increases the safety of welders while working at height.

“Our product is a remote-controlled smart welding machine and even the less educated and inexperienced people can use it,” said Vahid Jangi Balou, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

“To create this efficiency, the welder's wristwatch has been designed in a way that if the welder does not know the standard amperage, he/she enters information about the desired diameter of the electrode, and the device provides its own amperage based on the welding standards,” he added.

“The remote-controlled welding machine was available in the market in the form of a wire, but the welder had to carry another cable called the remote controller along with him/her in addition to the two wires of the machine but in addition to removing this cable, we have been able to add the smartness feature to the device,” Jangi Balou said.

He also underlined that the product has no domestic or foreign samples and is less expensive than its wired counterparts.

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Presents Innovative Platform for Development of E-Commerce

An Iranian knowledge-based company developed a platform to provide the needs of applicants and supply products and services to the customers in a bid to develop e-commerce.

“The platforms can connect suppliers and buyers with each other. This platform is implemented in such a way that suppliers present their products and services, and applicants present their software needs in different industries,” said Mohsen Latifi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

He described the platform as a comprehensive supply chain management system (SCM), and said, “This service includes planning for managing requests, sourcing and evaluating suppliers, internal purchasing, external purchasing, clearance, tenders, manufacturing and self-sufficiency, and purchasing services.”

Latifi underlined that the ability to register the serial number and tracking code of all goods in the warehouse operation, control the order point, and the amount of order and the time of supply of materials and goods are among the capabilities of this platform.

“In this platform, it is possible to manage tenders, manage agreements and contracts, manage trust goods, work completion and combine data-x-items of several purchase requests in one order,” he added.

Iranian Scientists Use Stem Cells to Treat Spinal Cord Injury

A group of Iranian researchers from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences could find a way to regenerate nerve tissues and spinal cord injury by extracting mouse neural stem cells and using ibrutinib drug.

“In this project, we studied the combined effect of stem cells of the nervous system and drug ibrutinib (targeted drug for cancer treatment) to regenerate nerve tissue and recovery of motor function in a mouse with spinal cord injury,” Somayyeh Torabi, a researcher of the project, told ANA.

“In this research, we used the 14-day-old mouse embryo’s stem cells; a region of the brain of this mouse is rich in stem cells, and these cells are easily harvested and extracted,” she added.

“After we extracted stem cells from these embryos, we cultured them. To do this, we did initial cultivation. Finally, after 6-7 days, the cells started multiplying, and after a month, we transplanted these cells into the spinal cord lesion models,” Torabi said.

Noting that these cells were used for adult mice in which they created a spinal cord lesion, she explained, “We injected these cells in the area where the lesion was created. Then we monitored and observed the animals for a month. We tested their sensory, motor and balance performance. At the end of the month, we checked their tissue repair.”

“In this project, we measured the size of the lesions and the behavior of the transplanted cells in different groups, because along with the cell transplant, we also used an anti-inflammatory drug of the immune system. We also investigated this issue to observe the behavior of the transplanted cells in the target tissue - which had received drugs or not -. Finally, we obtained an acceptable result of the survival and fate of the cells,” Torabi said.



Tags: Iran science tech
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