Knowledge-Based Companies Share 5% of Iran’s Exports
15:00 - September 30, 2024

Knowledge-Based Companies Share 5% of Iran’s Exports

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) announced that the country’s knowledge-based companies exported over 3.6 million tons of products, valued at $2.506 billion, in the past Persian calendar year (ended on March 19, 2024).
News ID : 7107

In this period, the knowledge-based companies accounted for 2.6 and 5 percent of the country’s total exports in weight and value respectively.

Advanced materials and products based on chemical technologies accounted for about 80 percent of the export value of these companies. 

China was Iran's first buyer of knowledge-based products in this period.

The report added that some 1.158 million tons of goods, valued at $5.141 billion were also imported by knowledge-based companies into the country from March 21, 2023, to March 19, 2024.

About 85 percent of the goods imported by the knowledge-based companies came from China, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Turkey, Germany, and India.

The domestic knowledge-based companies exported their products to China, Iraq, the UAE, Turkey, and Russia in this period, IRICA said.

Iran’s Deputy Industry Minister Mohammad Majid Fouladgar said earlier that about 10,000 knowledge-based industrial companies are currently active across the country.

Talking to reporters during a visit to a factory in Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province, Fouladgar said the Industry Ministry is trying to increase this number even further.

“Although the ministry’s main approach in recent years has been to increase the number of knowledge-based industrial units in the country, it is also following a plan to benefit from the available capacities in the field of knowledge-based industries to improve the quality of such units,” he said.



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