Iranian Academic Official Underlines High Importance of Exporting Knowledge-Based Products

Iranian Academic Official Underlines High Importance of Exporting Knowledge-Based Products

TEHRAN (ANA)- Head of the University of Applied Science and Technology (UAST) in Iran stressed the need for increased manufacturing and exporting of knowledge-based products to make progress in different industries.
News ID : 399

“The export of knowledge-based products play an important role in development of the country's industries, so, the decision-making bodies in the knowledge-based ecosystem should pay special attention to this issue,” Hossein Bolandi told ANA.

“Meeting the needs of industry is the most important role of universities in the field of technology. Contacts between industry and university is an issue that we emphasize several times every day,” he added.

Bolandi also stressed the necessity for compiling special plans for knowledge-based companies and making a proper assessment to understand the needs of different industries to establish such firms.

He stated that the knowledge-based companies should grow more competitive, and emphasized, “We should also be able to export the products of knowledge-based companies to other countries.”

Bolandi referred to the knowledge-based companies’ success in production and export of nano-based products to other countries, saying that they should play as a role model for the firms active in other fields of technology.

Iran has been experiencing a threefold growth of knowledge-based companies since beginning of the current year (starting March 21, 2022), a report said.

Based on the official figures, total number of Iran's knowledge-based companies has surpassed 7,312 which says the country has been witnessing a threefold growth in this regard.





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