Iranian Researchers Make Strategic Raw Material for Tissue Manufacturing Industries
10:00 - September 29, 2024

Iranian Researchers Make Strategic Raw Material for Tissue Manufacturing Industries

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company stationed at Islamic Azad University succeeded in making the most strategic raw material for the tissue-making industry.
News ID : 7100

“The company's activity started in 2019 and succeeded in making the release agent, one of the most strategic raw materials of the tissue industry, which was an imported product for about 40 years,” Ali Heydari Moqaddam, the founder and board member of the knowledge-based company stationed at Islamic Azad University’s Dezfoul branch, told ANA.

“Using domestic or sometimes imported raw materials to minimize the production cost, the company presented a formulation so that without disrupting the production process and by reducing the corrosion of the separating blade, the produced tissue can be easily separated from the Yankee dryer surface and a high-quality product can be obtained,” he added.

“This product has now replaced the foreign samples,” Heydari Moqaddam said.

A release agent (also mold release agent, release coating, or mold release coating) is a chemical used to prevent other materials from bonding to surfaces. Release agents aid in processes involving mold release, die-cast release, plastic release, adhesive release, and tire and web release. Release agents are one of many additives used in the production of plastics.

Release agents provide a barrier between a molding surface and the substrate, facilitating separation of the cured part from the mold. Without such a barrier, the substrate would become fused to the mold surface, resulting in difficult clean-up and dramatic loss in production efficiency.

Even when a release agent is used, factors such as irregular applications or improper release agent choice may have a dramatic effect on the quality and consistency of the finished product. Many kinds of release agents are used. They are waxes, fatty ester, silicones, and metallic soaps.


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