Iran Designs Nat’l Model for Intelligentization of Power Distribution System

Iran Designs Nat’l Model for Intelligentization of Power Distribution System

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Iranian specialists at Nirou research institute designed and implemented the national model of intelligentization of the country's electric power distribution system in the form of a fundamental project.
News ID : 6553

“Improving corporate governance, increasing network strength, improving resilience, improving reliability, resolving energy imbalances, improving the quality of electric power delivered to customers, reforming the economy of the electricity distribution industry, resolving financial imbalances, improving administrative health, improving intra-organizational and extra-organizational interactions, improving HSE of company personnel, customers and society are among the most important goals and results to be considered in the design and implementation of the national model of intelligentization of the country's power distribution system,” said Mohammad Reza Safari, the head of the research team.

“Locality, comprehensiveness in the balanced intelligentization of all the components of the intelligent system, the possibility of carrying out plans and projects in the implementation stage and finally materializing the goals, and the evolution of the electricity distribution industry are other important features of the national model,” he added.

Safari underlined that by identifying the engineering and non-engineering problems of the power distribution system in 70 sectors and paying attention to the limitations and obstacles of each of the electricity distribution companies, a roadmap will be designed and implemented to overcome the existing problems and reach the desired situation.

The 7th National Conference on New Technologies in Electrical, Computer and Mechanical Engineering of Iran was held in Tehran on June 6.

The main subjects of the conference are power engineering, control engineering, telecommunication engineering, electronic engineering, medical engineering, energy and environment, distribution transmission networks, electric machines, high voltage technology, and other topics related to electrical engineering.




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