Iran University of Medical Sciences Using Highly Advanced Microscope

With the efforts of Reza Falak, the vice-president of research and technology of the university, and the follow-up of Alireza Najafi, the head of the strategic laboratory network (labsnet) of the university and with the cooperation of the cellular and molecular research center of the university, ‘the TEM Electron Microscope’ returned to the circuit of professional services.
“The LEO 906 Germany device, which belongs to Zeiss, is considered among the top technologies (High Tec) in the world and eventhough a new generation of these microscopes has come to the market, these electron microscopes are still considered efficient and up-to-date in the world,” said Javad Erfani, an expert in the installation and operation of the device.
“Due to the complexity of the technology used in this device, its application requires lots of expertise and only users, who have passed certain courses and have a good background in science and sampling skills, can work with it,” he added.
Relevant reports said last year that researchers of four technological companies in Iran had also presented different types of microscopes to laboratories for nano imaging and research in this field.
One of the technological companies in Iran has produced and commercialized scanning electron microscope (SEM) microscopes with the capability to study morphology, chemical composition of the surface and determine the thickness of thin layers coated on a substrate.
This electron microscope enjoys a resolution of 20 nm and has a maximum magnification of 100,000 times, and its tungsten thermal electron gun makes imaging different materials possible.
Another Iranian firm active in the field of nanotechnology, which has more than a decade of experience in the production and supply of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) microscopes, has made microscopes for research purposes as well as special microscopes for the education sector.
The Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) equipment of this company provides the possibility of 3D imaging of the topography of samples to study indicators like roughness, grain size, step height and unevenness, and also gives interesting details about other sample specifications like magnetic field, capacitance, friction and phase.
The researchers of another company in Iran have produced and commercialized a Raman microscope for identifying molecules and studying chemical bonds, which has a spectral range between 200 nm and 900 nm and a spectral resolution of 1.3 nm. This Raman spectrometer can be used to study a wide range of nanoparticles to final products like various polymer nanocomposites.
Another Iranian company's engineers have developed special transmission electron microscope (TEM) cameras that several research centers and universities are using to improve the performance of their TEM microscopes. These cameras have improved the ability of the TEM microscope to provide better images and also increased their imaging speed.