Iran Holds 1st Int’l Exhibition of Gemstones, Machinery, Related Industries

Dozens of companies and production units, government agencies and organizations participated in the exhibition which was held at Tehran Permanent International Fairground.
The International Exhibition of Gemstones, Machinery, Equipment and Related Industries covered the entire supply and value chain in this area, from exploration to processing.
“This exhibition is based on the approach of presenting the chain (exploration to processing) of gemstone production and trade with the aim of materializing the idea of development in the fields of industry, mining, technology, processing and production, infrastructure and business development and creating competition in domestic and foreign specialized markets,” said Mahmoud Bandarchi, the head of the headquarters for holding the first international exhibition of gemstones.
“This event is a great opportunity for the activists of this field to learn more about the latest achievements and diversity of gems,” he added.
Noting that more than 70 companies and production and service units were present in the exhibition, Bandarchi said, “This event is considered a favorable opportunity to establish effective working relationships among the activists in this field.”
The 15th exhibition of gold, jewelry and precious stones was held in Tehran earlier in February.
The exhibition was attended by more than 130 participants in the fields of gold, jewelry, silver, and related industries, who unveiled their latest products and achievements at the permanent location of Iran Mall international exhibitions and events.
According to the organizers, this exhibition is an opportunity to compete in production, marketing and sales.
The goal of this exhibition is to introduce production and export capabilities in this industry regarding the exchange of production and export information among producers and active traders.