Iran Indigenizing Production of Oil, Gas High-Pressure Pipe Stoppers
15:29 - October 25, 2022

Iran Indigenizing Production of Oil, Gas High-Pressure Pipe Stoppers

TEHRAN (ANA)- Managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based company said by using domestically-produced stoppers, maintenance problems of the country’s oil and gas pipelines can be solved considerably.
News ID : 483

On the sidelines of the Asreh Omid Event held by the Islamic Azad University in Tehran’s Grand Mossalla, Alireza Elhami, the managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based company “Noandishan Industrial Services Company said, "The products that are produced in this company are mostly in the field of design and production of thermal elements and heaters for various industries, including oil and gas as well as petrochemical industry.”

He described his company as one of the best producers of the data-x-items and service providers for petrochemical industry in Iran.

“The next product that has recently been mass produced in the company is oil and gas high pressure pipe stoppers. The stoppers are made by two companies on the international stage. Now, an American company and an Italian company produce this product, and Noandishan Industrial Improvement Services Company in Iran, after 14 months of effort, was able to achieve the technology of making these oil pressure stoppers,” Elhami went on to say.

“We can now proudly say that we are the first company in the country and the third one in the world that produce these oil stoppers. We have signed contracts with oil and gas production companies based on which we must mass produce the orders,” he added.

Elhami, who is the chairman of “the Institute of Innovation of Agricultural Machinery Technologies and Transformation and Complementary Industries in the field of Agriculture and Food of the Islamic Azad University- Gilan Province branch,

“The next item that we have installed a large number of in the power plant industry and the oil and gas industry is maximizing gas turbine capacity systems. Gas turbines are rotating machines that lose 20% of their production capacity in the summer,” Elhami said.

“We can return that 20% of the power losses to the national electricity grid with that maximizing gas turbine capacity systems,” he added.

“We used the same systems in the oil industry to increase production at oil fields. The gas coming out of the oil well must either be consumed or burned. However, the point is that in the summer the turbo-compressors lose about 20% of their power and are unable to inject gas into the oil wells. Through installing these systems on those turbo-compressors, the power of the compressor is practically increased, and gas burning is practically prevented by injecting the gas that is being wasted. Meanwhile, we will have an increase in production from oil wells. This is what we did at Gachsaran and Aghajari Oil and Gas Company,” Elhami explained.

The national Asreh Omid Event was held in late May in Tehran’s Grand Mosalla with the participation of 3,000 knowledge-based companies, laboratories, research teams and startups.


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