Industrial Autoclaves Indigenized in Iran for Production of Carbon Fiber Parts

“A strategic equipment of our company is the industrial autoclave device which is used in strategic industries like aircraft manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, and tile and ceramic and tire and tube production, and construction and glass industries,” said Mohammad Limouchi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
He added that production of earthquake and fire-resistant building glass without the use of precise industrial autoclaves that are controlled by computers is not possible either.
Autoclaves are often used to process critical parts that must meet stringent safety and quality requirements. Autoclave curing helps achieve the correct resin-to-fiber ratio in aerospace and aircraft composite parts. During this process, the part is placed in a vacuum chamber where it is exposed to high temperatures.
In a relevant development in April, researchers at an Iranian knowledge-based company have produced an autoclave machine to make hospital infectious waste harmless.
Fatemeh Mohammad Beygi, one of the researchers at the knowledge-based company, which was founded in 1998, said in an interview with Iranian media that their company is operating in the field of producing medical equipment.
“This company started by importing medical equipment and now a number of medical equipment are produced in the company itself and are supplied to hospitals,” she said.
The researcher said that their company has produced oxygen generator and decontaminating and disinfecting machine as two medical equipment they produce.
“The hospital waste disinfector manufactured by this company makes infectious hospital waste safe; if the hospital waste contains infectious substances, it will be safe. Then the disinfected waste will be shredded and will be placed inside separate bags in order to be delivered to the operator (user),” Mohammad Beygi.
Emphasizing that the user will not have any contact with the waste when using the device, she noted, “This machine is an autoclave that makes waste hazardless.”