Onshore Algae Farms Could Feed 10 Billions People by 2050
9:40 - October 17, 2022

Onshore Algae Farms Could Feed 10 Billions People by 2050

TEHRAN (ANA)- A research pioneered at Cornell University suggested that developing onshore algae farms could help feed ten billion people by 2050, enhancing global food security.
News ID : 402

The new study discovered that developing onshore algae farms – specially throughout the coasts of the Global South – can mitigate inequalities in the world’s future nutritional demands while ensuring environmental sustainability. Producing protein-dense microalgae in onshore seawater-fed aquaculture systems could increase food production by more than 50 percent, Innovationnewsnetwork reported.

Charles Greene, professor emeritus of Earth and atmospheric sciences and the paper’s senior author, commented, ”We have an opportunity to grow food that is highly nutritious, fast-growing, and we can do it in environments where we’re not competing for other uses. And because we’re growing it in relatively enclosed and controlled facilities, we don’t have the same kind of environmental impacts.”

With the planet’s population forecasted to grow exponentially in the coming years, factors such as climate change, reduced arable land, environmental degradation, and lack of freshwater will jeopardise the amount of food that can be produced, putting millions at risk globally.

 “We just can’t meet our goals with the way we currently produce food and our dependence on terrestrial agriculture," Greene explained.

Currently, wild fish stocks have been exploited significantly, and there are constraints on marine shellfish, finfish, and seaweed aquaculture in the coastal ocean.

To overcome these issues, Cornell researchers explored the potential of growing algae in onshore aquaculture systems. For their study, the team employed GIS-based models to estimate yields based on annual sunlight, topography, and further environmental and logistical factors.

The results from the model illuminated that the optimal locations for onshore algae farms are situated along the coasts of the Global South, which includes desert environments.

“Algae can actually become the breadbasket for the Global South,” Greene said, adding, “In that narrow strip of land, we can produce more than all the protein that the world will need.”

In addition to high protein content, algae can provide nutrients that vegetarian diets lack, including essential amino acids and minerals contained in meat and omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and seafood.

Algae grow ten times faster than traditional crops and can be produced more efficiently than agriculture in its use of nutrients. For example, farmers add nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers to grow terrestrial crops, of which around 50 percent runs off fields, polluting waterways, whereas algae grown in enclosed facilities ensures that excess nutrients can be obtained and reused.

Another sustainable benefit of algae is also being explored by researchers who are attempting to add algae to construction materials and cement to sequester carbon and remove it from the atmosphere.

“If we use algae in these long-lived structural materials, then we have the potential to be carbon negative and part of the solution to climate change," Greene concluded.





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