Iranian Company Designs New Subsurface Irrigation Device

Mehdi Moharrampour, who is the CEO of the Artakhe knowledge-based company based at Islamic Azad University-Bouin Zahra Branch in Hamedan Province, displayed his subsurface irrigation device in the Islamic Azad University-run the "Age of Hope" (Aserh Omid Event) exhibition at Tehran’s Grand Mossalla (Mosque) of Imam Khomeini (RA), Tehran.
The young Iranian researcher said his company’s product is a small-sized subsurface irrigation device.
“To make this device, we designed a special mechanism to install a mechanical valve in a very small space to control the water pressure. Its inlet is 4 mm like existing devices and there is no problem of clogging. This new mechanism with two flutes is placed in a small space of 5 by 10 centimeters and a height of 5 centimeters,” he explained.
Artakhe knowledge-based company CEO also said that his company entered the required technology and investment from Turkey.
“This company has been selected among the top 45 companies out of 200 projects from around the world at the Turkey Technology and Investment Summit which was held from July 27 to 30, 2022 with the participation of companies from the Netherlands, America, Japan, UAE, Iran, etc," Moharrampour went on to say.
"In addition to greenhouses, the Artakheh subsurface irrigation device could be used in water tanker to control the level of the water," the CEO also said.
"Although small, the device can effectively work like smart mechanical subsurface irrigation devices produced by Iranian company WaterSuAb (WSA)," he added.
He said that WSA was founded by the professors of Islamic Azad University of Bouin Zahra years ago and now is one of the top irrigation product manufacturing companies that has risen to fame on the international stage and has cooperated with two German companies for joint production after signing an agreement.
The CEO of knowledge-based Artakhe firm base in the growth and development center of Islamic Azad University in Bouin Zahra said about Age of Hope exhibition run by Islamic Azad University, “Although this university showed some flaws in organizing the event, it can be said that it was the first practical step by the Islamic Azad University on the path of knowledge-based production, and it is expected that as the exhibition continues, follow-ups and support of the participating companies will become more evident.”
The "Age of Hope" scientific exhibition or festival held by the Islamic Azad University on its 40th anniversary of founding was aimed at introducing the new equipment, products, scientific achievements and activities of the university in the field of technology and innovation in an effort to boost new businesses and knowledge-based companies.