Iranian Scientists Use Stem Cells to Treat Cancer Patients with Glioblastoma

“We succeeded in making natural killer cells for cancer treatment and the results of the research on children with cancer were positive,” Marzieh Ebrahimi, a full professor of immunology at Royan Research Institute, told ANA.
“After seven years of research, we reached a cell product with the least manipulation called natural killer cells,” she said, adding that these cells can kill the virus-infected tumor cells and are able to distinguish tumor cells from healthy cells and eliminate tumor cells.
“In the first phase trial, we produced a cell product with the least manipulation and by performing quality control, we checked its effect on mouse models with brain tumor; then we obtained the license to conduct the clinical trial,” Ebrahimi said.
Noting that the first clinical trial was conducted on glioblastoma brain tumor patients, she said, “This tumor is considered as one of the worst types of brain tumor and so far there was no treatment but the injection of cells, in addition to being safe for the patients has led to an increase in the life expectancy of patients.”
“In another study, we concluded that the number of injections, in addition to not causing any harm to the patient increases survival and reduces tumor in some patients,” Ebrahimi said.
“Surgery was not possible in a number of children and their bodies had not responded to other treatments; therefore, we tried to carry out the second study on children. Fortunately, the clinical trial of the second study has ended and the results showed that the treatment, in addition to being safe and uncomplicated, improves the patients’ quality of life,” she underlined.
Glioblastoma (GBM), also referred to as a grade IV astrocytoma, is a fast-growing and aggressive brain tumor.
It invades the nearby brain tissue, but generally does not spread to distant organs. GBMs can arise in the brain de novo or evolve from lower-grade astrocytoma.