Iranian Consortium to Build Hi-Tech RSS Drilling Machine

Iranian Consortium to Build Hi-Tech RSS Drilling Machine

TEHRAN (ANA)- A consortium of three powerful Iranian companies are due to design and manufacture the hi-tech rotary steerable system (RSS) used for directional drilling, an official said.
News ID : 2874

“One of the challenges of Iran’s oil industry is in shared oilfields because countries that share an oilfield with Iran have been extracting oil with deviant drilling in less time in the past few years but this technology does not exist in the country,” said Mohammad Amin Alavi, the manager of Iran’s Technology Exchange Network.

He named the equipment needed for horizontal drilling of oilfields as the rotary steerable system (RSS), and said, “Three to four companies in the world make this machine. The mentioned companies only export their sevices to the other countries and refuse from providing the technology to other countries.

“We will design and build RSS devices in Iran by signing a memorandum of understanding with the Oil Ministry and forming a consortium with the presence of three capable companies in this field,” Alavi said.

He added that the cost of making the first sample of the RSS device will be $2.5 to $3 million.

A rotary steerable system (RSS) is a form of drilling technology used in directional drilling. It employs the use of specialized downhole equipment to replace conventional directional tools such as mud motors.


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