Arterial Tourniquet to Perform Orthopedic Surgeries without Hurting Tissue

Arterial Tourniquet to Perform Orthopedic Surgeries without Hurting Tissue

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at a technological company based in Tarbiat Modares University have produced a digital model of arterial tourniquet that prevents bleeding during orthopedic surgeries without hurting the tissues at the injured part.
News ID : 2695

Zohreh Jafari, one of the researchers working with that Iranian technological company, which is bases in the Science and Technology Park of Tehran-based Tarbiat Modares University, told Iranian media that their company’s field of research and study has focused on orthopedics.

“One of the products of this company is digital tourniquet or arterial band which is used during orthopedic surgeries. When the patient is injured in the arm or leg and needs surgery, this tool is tied around the limb so that the operation is performed without causing bleeding,” she added.

“Tourniquets are also used for emergency cases and injured people who are bleeding due to an accident,” she also said.

“This device is designed in a way that after fastening the cuff around the injured arm or leg, at first the bleeding is stopped with the maximum allowable pressure, then following the time which is set by the user, the device reduces the pressure on the cuff for several seconds to allow blood circulation in the tissue in order to prevent tissue death and then the device returns the blood to the initial pressure to stop blood flow.

Jafari stated that the maximum and minimum pressure and time can be adjusted by the user depending on the extent of the injury.

She continued to say that this device works with a rechargeable battery that can last for 3 hours after each fully recharging.

According to the researcher, the tourniquets have so far been used a mechanical tool in Iran, but now the company has introduced a digital tourniquet.

“The difference between these two types is that in the mechanical type, the volume of pressure exercised to the artery may hurt the tissue at the injured part, but in the digital type, an adjustable volume of pressure is placed on the tissue,” Jafari concluded.


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