Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Different Molecular Biology Kits

“Our company is active in producing all types of molecular biology kits, viral diagnostic kits, cancer diagnosis panels and all kinds of fungal diseases. Our company is also the only firm that produces primers and probes in Iran,” said Ramin Fazzel, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
He added that the company is a supplier of all laboratory, research and quality control services, and is a producer of various biotechnological kits for medical diagnosis laboratories, students, faculty members, research centers, companies and private and public institutions.
“This knowledge-based company has ISO13485:2016-ISO9001:2015-ISO17025:2017 certificates and Iran’s Food and Drug Administration’s GLP license,” Fazzel said.
“HCD Detection, HCD Extraction, DNA Extraction, RNA Extraction, Enzyme (Taq Polymerase - Reverse Transcriptase - T4 Ligase) kits and other products are being manufactured by the company,” he noted.
Fazzel stated that the products of his knowledge-based company are also exported to Armenia and Iraq, adding that the two mentioned countries are customers of products like CHO Extraction, Ladder, Agarose and DNA Extraction kits.
In a relevant development in May, a group of researchers at another Iranian knowledge-based company presented a viral extraction kit with the capability of extracting nucleic acid from blood serum, plasma and saliva samples.
Mohammad Bagher Mahmoudi, a member of the board of directors of this Iranian knowledge-based company explained about the features of the virus extraction kit and said, “In this method, dangerous substances such as phenol and chloroform are not used, and the RNA virus is attached to the silica column, while the contaminants pass through it.”
“Corona virus acute respiratory syndrome is a single-stranded RNA virus that is the cause of the disease of COVID-19, and the same method is used in the diagnosis of Covid-19. In this virus extraction kit, first the cellular and protective structures of viruses are lysed, and then the genome is extracted and is separated through silica column method,” the researcher also said.
Mahmoudi further said that the lysing buffer of this kit is specially optimized to destroy the protective structures of the virus.
“The Iranian-made kit has the same efficiency as the foreign imported models, while it is available at a much cheaper price,” he concluded.