Share of Women in Iran’s Knowledge-Based Economy

Share of Women in Iran’s Knowledge-Based Economy

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian economic official said that 12% or 706 of the managing directors of the knowledge-based companies in Iran are women, while there are also 2,582 female members of the board of directors of those firms.
News ID : 2334

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Innovation and Prosperity Fund, Mohammad Sadeq Khayatian, made those remarks at the second "Shokoufa" or "Prospoerity" conference, where he also said that the event is important in many ways.

“Since Intellectual property for new businesses is like oxygen for humans. the issue should be paid more attention than in the past,” he underscored. 

“Countries make laws in the field of intellectual property for two reasons. First, they try to support the owners of ideas to be informed about their rights, and the second reason is to develop and promote creativity and innovation; therefore, they legislate in this area to develop creativity and innovation,” Khayatian said.

Khayatian considered the existence of an effective and efficient intellectual property system in every country as a reason for paying attention to intellectual property in their economic growth, adding that fortunately, this important process has happened in the past years in our country and the issue in terms of legislation, implementation, legal and judicial processes, has perfectly been considered.

Referring to the role of women in the development of countries, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund said, “Despite all the propaganda against women, it can be definitely said that in most scientific fields, there is a field of activity for women.”

Referring to the achievements of women in the knowledge-based ecosystem, he said, “ A total number 706 of the managing directors of the companies, i.e. 12% are women, and 2,582 people, equivalent to 22% of the board members of the knowledge-based companies, are also women.”

According to him, 17% of company shares are owned by women and 30% of university faculty members in Iran are also women.

Stating that these statistics show the presence of women in scientific fields, Khayatian continued, “I want the women of our homeland to make one of their main activities knowledge-based, because today the issue of knowledge-based and knowledge-based economy is not optional, but a necessity.”

He further noted that the highest-level Iranian authorities have attached great importance to knowledge-based field, adding, “Share of the knowledge-based economy should increase to 5% of the GDP, and we hope to be able to realize this goal as a financial institution along with the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.”


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