Manufacturer: Russia's New Generation X-69 Missile to Become Most Ordered

"I am sure that in the future the X-69 will be one of the most ordered missiles. Naturally, it has a great export potential," said Boris Obnosov while highlighting specifications of new multifunctional low-observable high-accuracy air-launched cruise missile X-69.
The X-69, equipped with a combined navigation and automatic control system, is designed to destroy a wide range of stationary ground targets with coordinates known before launch. The maximum flight range is up to 290 kilometers. The missile can be launched from external mounts or internal weapons bays.
It was developed at the state machine-building design bureau Raduga (Rainbow) named after. A. Ya. Bereznyak (an affiliate of the KTRV) - at an enterprise specializing in the creation of high-accuracy weapons. For the first time, the X-69 was demonstrated at the Army-2022 international show.