Iran Acquires Technology to Reduce Risk of Earthquake’s Destruction

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the Sharif University of Technology acquired the technology to reduce the risk of destruction in buildings due to earthquakes.
The researchers started studies in this regard in the Iranian calendar year 1383 (March 2004-March 2005).
There are two theories of "increasing resistance" and "plasticity of structural members" to deal with severe earthquakes in such a way that the structures can resist the trembles.
In recent years, preventive methods have received more attention.
Earthquake acceleration of about 25 centimeters per square second on the floors affected by the earthquake increases four times on the higher floors.
Therefore, the use of isolation technology can prevent the transfer of energy to the structure.
Seismic isolators not only reduce the acceleration of the earthquake but also significantly reduce the movement of the structure during the earthquake.
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