Iranian Computer Student Produces Bump Mapping Module

Speaking to ANA on the sidelines of Asreh Omid Event held by the Islamic Azad University (IAU) in Tehran, Saeed Sedighi, a computer architecture engineering student at the IAU-Shiraz Branch said that the project to produce bump mapping was done for the Iranian Army’s Self Sufficiency Department.
He explained about his project and said that “bump mapping module takes the information from the camera and produces the bump map in real time, which are actually the bumps in that scene”.
“Differences in the image captured in the video frames from the camera and the movements in the scene are also depicted in the bump map module and its information is extracted,” the IAU student added.
Bump mapping is a texture mapping technique in computer graphics for simulating bumps and wrinkles on the surface of an object.
The national Asreh Omid Event was held in late May in Tehran’s Grand Mosalla with the participation of 3,000 knowledge-based companies, laboratories, research teams and startups.