Iran-Made Flame Thermograph Camera Measures Temperature Accurately

“The flame thermograph can accurately measure temperature and provide to the user the temperature of flame pixel by pixel,” said Mohammad Khanjani, a senior research and development expert at the company.
“This product informs the user of the temperature of different points pixel by pixel in furnaces, melting furnaces, and any place where there is a flame,” he added.
Noting that the product enjoys a special application for steel and cement companies that use furnaces and need to accurately monitor and control the conditions inside the furnace, Khanjani said, “Being lightweight and portable, eliminating common errors in traditional methods, and the ability to measure flame temperature in the range of 900 to 2500 degrees Celsius are among the outstanding features of this camera.”
In a relevant development in 2023, a graduate of mechanics at Islamic Azad University’s Shahr-e Kord branch in Western Iran had also succeeded in designing and building a laboratory furnace which is resistance to high temperature of up to 1,600 degrees Celsius.
“This electric furnace has been designed and built with a capacity of three liters, 2,000 watts of power and a bilingual menu in Farsi and English,” Sa’adat Dousti, who works at the incubator center of technological units of Islamic Azad University’s Shahr-e Kord branch, told ANA.
He added that materials and energy laboratories, dental laboratories for sintered zirconia, performing heat treatment for material decomposition, calcination of ceramics and nanotechnology polymers, chemical vaporization of melting and heat treatment, alloying, drying of polymers, physical and chemical analysis, oxidation and reduction, purification of synthesis materials and sintering of refractory materials are among the applications of these laboratory furnaces.
“PLC control system, seven-inch touch screen, easy use and very low energy consumption due to the special programming of the device that uses artificial intelligence are other advantages of the laboratory furnace which is made in dimensions of 50*50*86 cm, and it is possible to design and manufacture similar devices with different capacities and dimensions based on the needs of the consumer,” Dousti said.