Iran Unveils 8 New Knowledge-Based Products at Pardis Sci-Tech Park
10:00 - September 17, 2024

Iran Unveils 8 New Knowledge-Based Products at Pardis Sci-Tech Park

TEHRAN (ANA)- The unveiling ceremony of eight knowledge-based products of Pardis Technology Park in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, polymer and artificial intelligence was held.
News ID : 6997

The 8 knowledge-based products included Novalak fast curing phenolic resin which is used as a binder in the production of heat-resistant materials, specially in refractory products, bakelite which is used in injection and press molding to produce parts that are subject to continuous wear and require high electrical conductivity, like gas meter parts or other similar technical parts, omega 3 - enteric coated which helps to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality, help skin and hair health, reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women, and is effective in treating lack of attention and concentration, and SF6 gas which is used to create tamponade (pressure) on the layers of the retina in patients who have undergone retinal surgery.

Other products unveiled at Pardis Science and Technology Park included chest marking wire which is used to mark and accurately determine the tumor during breast cancer surgeries, sperm isolation chip which has wide applications in various fields related to fertility and infertility treatments, enterolact probiotic product which helps to treat acute infectious diarrhea and help digestive problems caused by antibiotic use, AI physician assistant which has been developed in the form of a general physician with the help of artificial intelligence for initial diagnosis based on patient symptoms and screening and referral of patients with the ability to be used in the doctor and referral system.




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