Iran-Made Knowledge-Based Products Decrease Traffic, Energy Costs

“Research activities of the company started since 10 years ago and the results of research work in the company led to the manufacturing high-tech products in various areas, including special UPSs for security systems, industrial and fully automatic chargers, switching flat power supplies, solar chargers, industrial UPSs and professional ultra-low power lights with and without backup,” Ebrahim Peyqami, the managing director of the knowledge-based ‘Alborz Electronic Sablan’ company, told ANA.
“These products have several times won prizes inside Iran and from the National Elite Foundation and they provide solutions to the problem of traffic at intersections during power outages and also reduce energy costs in Iran,” he added.
Solar traffic lights are powered by solar panels and are quick to install and easy to move.
It is suitable for newly built intersections with large traffic flow and urgent need for new traffic signal command and can meet the needs of emergency power failure, power restriction, and other emergencies.
Meantime, UPS for security systems is designed to provide clean, conditioned, uninterrupted power for the security system in case of an electrical outage whether it is accidental or artificial.
The UPS device also helps to protect the critical equipment from power outages, voltage drops/spikes, and other power issues.