Iranian Experts Develop App to Track Stolen, Lost Cellphones

Iranian Experts Develop App to Track Stolen, Lost Cellphones

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company succeeded in developing an application which can track stolen and lost cellphones across the country.
News ID : 6721

“By launching this application, we provide the three services of alerting when the cellphone is disconnected from the charger, when it is taken out of the pocket and when its location is changed; whenever any of these things happen, the phone alerts and the person is informed,” said Saleh Bolouki, a manager at the knowledge-based company.

“When people change the cellphone's location and their phone is in their backpack, the phone's alarm will go off as soon as it is moved, or as soon as the charger cord is disconnected from the phone, the phone's alarm will sound.

Even if the person is far away from the cellphone and it is in Bluetooth mode, the sound of the phone's siren will reach the person's ears in a pager mode,” he added.

“Another advantage of this system is that when you are using the similar foreign applications, the mobile phone’s GPS is turned on but this App does not need it,” Bolouki said.

In a relevant development last year, Iran unveiled a special application for smart planning in transportation industry named ‘Logistic Road’.

Sheikhi, the managing director of the knowledge-based Ebtekar Afarinan Ofoq Andisheh, elaborated on the application, saying, “Three different products are offered in this infrastructure. One of these applications is Jadeh Ranandegan (Drivers’ Road), with the membership of nearly three-fifths of intercity drivers across the country.”

“Our other application is called Jadeh Barbary (Freight Road) which has nearly 72,000 members and it facilitates communication between the cargo owner and the driver,” he added.

“Also, the ‘Logistics Road’ application is a system which manages cargo between the origin and the destination or the owner of the cargo and the recipient of the cargo,” Sheikhi said.



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