New Research in Iran Studies Necessity for Policymaking in Science Development

In an article entitled ‘Policymaking in Science, Technology and Science Promotion in Iran: A National Necessity’, Akram Qadimi (a Professor of the National Science Policy Research Center) in collaboration with Elaheh Hejazi (a Professor of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of University of Tehran) deals with the issue that science and technology can be effective when its products are used in the society, and science promotion plays a significant role to this end.
The research explains when the field of science, technology and innovation was directly noticed by the policymakers and before that, it was always affected by the decisions and interventions of the governments. According to these researchers, the phrase ‘science, technology and innovation policymaking’ refers to the set of all policies that seek to promote the activities and processes related to science, technology and innovation to realize economic and social development.
This research suggests that the advancement of science and technology is considered to be one of the most important components of the country's authority, and the support for achieving the advancement of science and technology is achieving a scientific leap, and the support for achieving a scientific leap is to familiarize students, scholars and the general public with science.
This research underlines the fact that policymaking in the field of science, technology and promoting science, like policymaking in any other field, requires attention to the time and place that has led to the understanding and application of science in people's daily lives, and therefore, prescribing science and technology promotion policies in one country is not reasonable for other countries.