Iran’s University Lab Uses Histology to Diagnose Unhealthy Food Products
12:39 - October 30, 2022

Iran’s University Lab Uses Histology to Diagnose Unhealthy Food Products

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian expert at the Islamic Azad University said unhealthy food products can be identified using histological methods by the university’s laboratory.
News ID : 537

Ali Anisian, the technical manager of the Islamic Azad University, Abhar branch, told ANA that the use of histology for diagnosing unhealthy food products is carried out based on Standard 6103.

Histological methods are useful techniques to detect unauthorized tissues in some meat products.

Histology can precisely evaluate the quality parameters of meat products by detecting specific tissue of animal organs, connective tissues, fat content, bone tissue, and others.

Anisian made the remarks on the sidelines of Islamic Azad University's "second step of revolution" under the title of AsrehOmid Event.

The event was held in Tehran's Mosalla from May 29 to June 1, 2022.

It aimed to exhibit new achievements and products in the technological and innovation arenas in line with opening new windows towards strengthening the idea of creating ground for knowledge-based businesses at the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Azad University.

Some 3,000 knowledge-based companies, laboratories, research centers, and startups took part in AsrehOmid Event.

Anisian went on to say that considering the urgent need for the country's standards organization to control the quality of raw materials used in food products, we are one of the few laboratories in the country that has been set up to detect unauthorized tissues in meat products.

The laboratory is equipped with devices such as a tissue processor, paraffin dispenser, tissue float, cold plate, hot plate, microwave, stereomicroscope, research digital microscope, and slide dryer that are required for histological methods.

“The laboratory of the Islamic Azad University, Abhar branch, holds ISO 17025 certificate,” he noted.

Strengthening knowledge-based companies are on the agenda, raising hope for reducing obstacles on the path to development.

In this regard, a strategic technology development headquarters was formed and 362,000 technological projects and 154 commercialization projects were supported, in addition to the inauguration of 23 national mega projects.

Iran’s technological priorities have been specified within the framework of a plan, based on which the country's knowledge-based companies have been equipped.

The country has been experiencing a threefold growth of knowledge-based companies since the beginning of the current year (starting March 21, 2022), a report said.

Based on the official figures, the total number of Iran's knowledge-based companies has surpassed 7,000 which says the country has been witnessing a threefold growth in this regard.


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