Iranian University’s Plant Biotechnology Research Center Obtains ISO 17025 Standard

Iranian University’s Plant Biotechnology Research Center Obtains ISO 17025 Standard

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Plant Biotechnology Research Center of Islamic Azad University’s Kermanshah branch succeeded in receiving the license of the ISO 17025 laboratory standard in the field of agriculture and food industry.
News ID : 5357

“The ISO 17025 license is the most specialized standard in the world, which is issued in Iran under the supervision of the National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI), and the process of obtaining this license is highly time-consuming and difficult. After a one-year process and numerous assessments by the National Center of Iran's Qualification Verification Organization, Islamic Azad University’s Kermanshah branch succeeded in obtaining the final approval to receive the most specialized international and national standard ISO 17025,” Shima Alayee, the head of the Plant Biotechnology Research Center of Islamic Azad University’s Kermanshah branch, told ANA.

Noting that the ISO 17025 is one of the most specialized standards in the world which is used in different laboratories, she said, “Usually, the certificate and license is issued by the higher authorities, and in Iran, the main and official authority which issues this certificate is the National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI) which operates under the supervision of the National Standards Organization of Iran.”

“This standard is a criterion for measuring the quality of a laboratory and any laboratory that has gained this certificate can be trusted in terms of the accuracy and precision of the laboratory results,” Alayee said.

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is an international standard specifying requirements for quality and competence in testing and calibration laboratories. The standard requires that such labs prioritise excellent quality practices and develop a reliable quality management system to establish and demonstrate their competence.

The full standard is called ISO/IEC 17025, since the certification was created by the International Organization for Standardization in conjunction with the International Electrotechnical Commission. However, many shorten this to ISO 17025 or simply 17025 certification when referring to the standard. 

Ultimately, ISO 17025 is for any organization that performs testing, sampling or calibration and wants to be sure of the reliability of their results.



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