Karbala Refinery in Iraq Produces 8 Million Liters of Fuel
23:30 - January 11, 2024

Karbala Refinery in Iraq Produces 8 Million Liters of Fuel

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iraq's Karbala Refinery confirmed that it is currently operating at full production capacity, adding that it covers 50-60% of the country’s needs.
News ID : 4771

Karbala Refinery Director, Haider Al-Hassani, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that the refinery has passed the trial operation stage, and is now operating at full capacity and began discharging products to the local market 3 months ago with complete success, pointing out that all products are within international specifications.

“The Karbala refinery is distinguished by the fact that its fuel products meet Euro 5 international standards, and are better than imported products. The refinery was established to maximize the production of white products, the most important of which is gasoline, with its improved and high-octane types,” he added.

“The refinery’s products cover 50-60% of Iraq's need is being prepared through warehouses for the refinery in the holy governorates of Karbala and Najaf Al-Ashraf, and from there to the rest of the country's central and Southern governorates, the minister said.

He stated that increasing the refinery's production requires adding new units, and there is an ambitious plan supervised by the Ministry of Oil, and we hope that it will achieve its goals in the coming period.

Al-Hali explained that the refinery’s production reached approximately 8 million liters of various types of white products.

“We also produce 4 million liters of gas oil, and we also produce 3 million liters of white oil, jet fuel, sulfur, and asphalt, which are characterized by high purity.”


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