Iranian Company Domestically Produces Laser Jewelry Engraving Machine

“The machine made in this company is called laser welding and engraving machine. The jewelry laser welder made in this company is developed for welding products made of steel, platinum, gold, brass, steel alloy, copper and nickel,” Mohammad Saberi, one of the researchers in the project in the knowledge-based company told Iranian media.
Stating that this laser welder is one of the most widely used lasers in the jewelry industry, he added, “The welding machine has 250 joules of energy and is used for soldering in the gold industry.”
“Italian and German models of this machine are available in the country’s markets, but this Iranian machine has a higher-quality flash lamp, Moreover, the Iranian machine is cooled off based on water using a chiller inside it,” he added.
Emphasizing that it is possible to use this equipment 24 hours a day, the technical expert noted that the Iranian product also is offered with 5-year warranty.
According to him, this company has succeeded in acquiring the knowledge-based license after manufacturing of laser welding machines.
“In addition to commercialization in the country, this machine has been exported to Asian and European countries.Our engraving machine is designed and manufactured in different capacities and is for cutting and engraving on gold, silver, steel and copper,” he further said.
“The Indra model is a type of solid-state laser whose active area (optical fiber core) is impregnated with rare earth elements such as erbium, yttrium and neodymium. In fiber laser engraving, high-intensity pulses directly interact with the surface of the sample and result in changes such as color change, engraving, or material removal,” he continued.
“Another variant of our laser engraving machine has a pulse width of less than 10 nanoseconds. For that, it is an ideal and efficient machine for diamond and gold engraving with minimal thermal damage. This machine is made in a way that it makes engraving on precious stones with a resolution of 5 micrometers possible,” Saberi concluded.