Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Exports Nano Heat, Acoustic Insulation Products
8:05 - October 01, 2023

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Exports Nano Heat, Acoustic Insulation Products

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has produced a variety of roll elastomeric insulation containing nanomaterials and has been able to export its products to Iraq and the Persian Gulf countries.
News ID : 3742

According to a report by the website of the Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC), Sepahvand, the production manager of the Iranian knowledge-based company referred to the application of nano technology in the insulations produced in their company, saying, “Due to the nano structure, these insulations can prevent the transmission of heat, cold and sound.”

Mohammad Javad Azizli, the director of research, development and innovation of the company emphasized that, “When it comes to heat and sound transmission, these nano insulators come to mind. Using these insulators can help save energy.”

“This product used to be previously imported, but now it is produced by this knowledge-based company and is currently being exported to Iraq and the Persian Gulf countries, and the researchers of this company are consulting to export this product to Armenia in the next step,” the manager said.

These insulators can be used in various fields such as construction industry and can reduce the transmission of sound and heat in structures to a large extent. Elastomeric rubber foam is resistant to high heat, water and steam. Meanwhile, it is resistant to ultraviolet rays. Also, the combination of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber with polyvinyl chloride has made PVC flexible and increase resistance against acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) ozone in this product,” Azizli added.

Insulators reduce thermal expansion and contraction and increase structural integrity of the building. Damage and reduced lifespan is a problem often experienced by uninsulated buildings. In addition, buildings that have proper insulation are less at risk of fire; because insulation prevents the spread of fire and smoke and reduces fire risk.

According to the INIC report, the lack of insulation in a building comes with a lot of problems, such as increasing energy losses, humidity and condensate, increasing noise and the risk of fire. Proper insulation and making sure that it is done will make the residents in a building comfortable and safe.


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