Iranian Researchers Produce Lower Body Wearable Robots

The wearable lower limb exoskeleton robot is produced by the researchers at a knowledge-based company based at the Tehran-based Tarbiat Modares University. The sixth edition (generation) of the device has been provided to the people with disabilities in the country to use in urban and clinical environments as a mobility aid.
This robot is used for people with spinal cord injury to help them walk. Walking with it can improve neuropathic pain and reduce muscle spasm. It is also effective in maintaining and increasing bone muscle mass.
“People with paralysis of the lower body, especially people recovering from spinal cord injury and people with muscle weakness or movement disorders in the lower body can use an exoskeleton robot, and to use it, it is necessary for the user to have sufficient ability to maintain balance with his hands,” Mustafa Hawayeji, managing director of the knowledge company said in an interview Iranian media.
Stating that this knowledge-based product has received ISO13458 international standard, he said, "This exoskeleton can be used by people that are as tall as 155 to 190 cm with a maximum weight of 90 kg. It makes it possible for the disabled to walk. It has an egine, battery and gearbox. The person sits on a special chair on which the robot is placed. The robot starts working after the disabled ties the straps of the robot to his leg."
Stating that this robot walks instead of a disabled person, Hawayeji pointed out that disabled people need help from a cane or a walker to maintain their balance. "Using this tool, disabled people can walk for an hour and a half," he highlighted.
The researcher further said that such robots are highly expensive and for that they are not widely used by the people with disablity.
In response to a question about the device's difference with ParaWalk, he said, "The difference between this robot and the Parawalk is that the Parawalk stimulates the muscles that have been disabled due to the interruption of the nervous system and does not interfere in the walking process of the rehabilitated, rather it stimulates the muscles But our device does not stimulate the muscles and it walks the person by taking their limb through the strapes."
Meanwhile, the executive director of the project to produce lower limb exoskeleton robot, noted, "Many muscles are involved in the walking process. As many as 85% of the muscles involved in walking are internal.In the functional electrical stimulation (FES) (parawalk) only 15% of the muscles [that are at the surface] can be stimulated. As a result of putting a lot of pressure on 15% of the muscles, the patient gets tired quickly, and since the muscle stimulation signal is strong, the person feels a burning sensation at the place where the electrodes are installed."