Iranian Experts Design Web GIS System with Better Access to Location Data for Tourists

Iranian Experts Design Web GIS System with Better Access to Location Data for Tourists

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers of a knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing and developing a Web GIS system that provides access to location data in the shortest possible time for tourists.
News ID : 3255

“Geographic Information System or GIS allows access to maps, spatial data and descriptive information to companies at the least time and cost in any place,” Mansour Adibi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

Noting that the experts in his company have converted the Web GIS system into a simple software package, he said, “This software package does not have domestic or foreign samples, and is easily installed and launched.”

“This system is not used only by government organizations; rather, it has many uses, including in online and dynamic maps. For instance, a tourist, can search online maps (such as Google map, etc.) before traveling to his desired place, gain the required information and calculate the trip time and costs,” Adibi said.

In a relevant development in June, another knowledge-based company in Iran had introduced a software that monitors vehicles' mobility online and reports on their performance, sending the collected data about the vehicles' situation to the users (drivers).

Making urban transportation smart is possible through using new technologies such as electronics, communications, software and computerized control systems.

Now, Iranian knowledge-based companies active in the field smart transportation are taking steps to improve the living level in cities by making the vehicles mobility smarter.





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