Russia's Grain Exports Hit Record 60 Million Tons in Agricultural Year 2022-2023
11:30 - July 19, 2023

Russia's Grain Exports Hit Record 60 Million Tons in Agricultural Year 2022-2023

TEHRAN (ANA)- Russian grain exports hit a record of 60 million tons in the agricultural year of 2022-2023 (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023), Russian Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev said.
News ID : 3080

"According to preliminary data, we supplied 60 million tons of grain to global markets in the past agricultural year, including about 47 million tons of wheat," RIA Novosti reported citing Patrushev.

He said that this was a record for the country, adding that Russia plans to export 55 million tons of grain in the agricultural year of 2023-2024, and the country's export capacity could be increased.

Patrushev further noted that most of the grain was exported to friendly countries.


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