Extracting Bee Venom for Pharmaceutical Use with Frequency Shock Method
17:00 - July 09, 2023

Extracting Bee Venom for Pharmaceutical Use with Frequency Shock Method

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at a technology company in Iran extract bee sting using the non-invasive frequency shock method for use in the pharmaceutical industry to produce drugs.
News ID : 2998

Saeed Moradi, the managing director of the company told Iranian media that their firm is operating in the field of extracting honey bee venom.

“We started our studies in this field a year ago. The product is used in pharmaceutical fields,” he said.

Saying that bee sting is used in the production of anti-arthritis, cancer and MS disease drugs, he added, “Frequency shock method is used instead of electric shock to extract bee venom because the use of frequency shock greatly reduces bee fatality rate.”

Moradi described increasing the efficiency of bee venom as another advantage of using frequency shock, explaining, “In this method, the entire bee venom is extracted without killing it. This is while most bees get killed in extracting sting process through electric shock.”

The executive director of the project underscored reduction in fatality rate when using frequency shock, saying, "In electric shock, because the frequency is variable, it causes the loss of bees, but in the frequency shock method, this does not happen."

He stated that Iranian bee venom was extracted in the project.

"Iranian bee species has the best venom among all other bee species in the world. Bee venom contains a substance called 'Melittin' and the amount of this substance must be high in the bee venom, which is the case in Iranian bees, especially bees in the West of the country," he noted.

According to the researcher, their company, "Armaghan-e Vazin Bahar" has negotiated with two companies that are supposed to help in the field of venom processing.

"We obtain this substance (venom) in two ways. Either we buy the venom from beekeepers or extract it from the bees ourselves, and after receiving the venom, we quickly freeze it, otherwise it will be spoiled."

"One gram of sting is produced from every 12 hives," the managing director of the company said after mentioning that their company is centred in Western Iranian province of Kermanshah. 

Moradi said that the sting not only is used in pharmaceuticals to produce drugs, but also it has many other uses. "The bee venom is also used in the food industry, so in a research in Japan, some bee venom was added to fish food, which increased the yield of fish by 30%." he added.

Saying that it is possible to extract venom from bees every month, he concluded, "Adult bees that are able to provide food for the queen are selected for venom extraction."


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