Knowledge-Based Companies Come to Enhance Firefighting Capability

Knowledge-Based Companies Come to Enhance Firefighting Capability

TEHRAN (ANA)- The law for surging knowledge-based production in Iran has put meeting technological needs and required equipment utilizing innovative methods and lowering operational costs regarding firefighting.
News ID : 282

Relying on indigenized technology, knowledge-based companies have succeeded in manufacturing high-quality products. Now, benefiting from the capacities of knowledge-based companies, which has been emphasized by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, has been turned into an obligation for some related organizations as per the law for surging knowledge-based production.

Firefighting equipment is one of the most important and vital parts of safety in each and every environment. Considering the use of specialized and talented employees by knowledge-based companies, effective steps can be taken toward supplying equipment to firefighting departments and utilizing the latest-of-the-art technologies.

In this line, one of the articles of the law has obliged the Organization of Municipalities and Rural Administration to support firefighting departments both in terms of quality and quantity by supplying them with fire extinguishers and vehicles and other equipment from internal sources which use knowledge-based products in their supply chain.

The organizations are also obliged to focus on technologies, products, and innovative methods for lowering the operational costs of firefighting in mountainous and arduous regions by using extinguisher drones equipped with new technologies.



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