More Remote Villages Join National Information Network (NIN) in Iran

More Remote Villages Join National Information Network (NIN) in Iran

TEHRAN (ANA)- Head of the Public Relations department of Iran’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology said that 39 more remote villages have gained access to 3G-4G mobile phone internet recently.
News ID : 2622

Mohammad Ehsan Kharamid, advisor to the Iranian ICT minister and head of the ministry’s public relations department made the remarks in a post on his account on social networking websites.

"Since the start of the 13th government [under President Ebrahim Raeisi in Augusta 2021], 3G-4G mobile phone coverage has been supplied to more 39 remote villages that previously did not have access that technology."

"During the last 20 months, mobile phone coverage was upgraded to 3G-4G from the USO project budget earmarked for 104 rural areas with 6,521 households and 23,179 people," the ICT official further added.

Meanwhile, Eissa Zarepour, the Iranian ICT minister announced that the remaining 3,000 villages will join the National Information Network or National Internet in Iran by the middle of March 2024.

"In the past 20 months, more than 4,000 villages have joined the National Information Network (NIN), and God willing, more than 3,000 more villages will be connected to the NIN by the middle of March 2024," the ICT minister said.

"Most of these villages are located in mountainous and remote areas, which joined the NIN with a lot of difficulty,” Zarepour said.


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