Iranian Inventor Produces Non-Invasive Blood Sugar Measuring Device
8:27 - September 28, 2022

Iranian Inventor Produces Non-Invasive Blood Sugar Measuring Device

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian specialist and inventor managed to manufacture a non-invasive blood sugar measuring device with no domestic or foreign sample.
News ID : 253

“The non-invasive blood sugar measuring device is fixed on the patient’s finger and detects his/her blood sugar non-invasively with the help of its sensors,” Rouhollah Arjmandian, a professor at Islamic Azad University’s Abadeh branch in Fars province, told ANA on the sidelines of the ‘Asreh Omid Event’.

“Invasive methods were used until now to measure the blood sugar; of course, the non-invasive method has also been performed by using a cellphone which is still in the early stages and the result is not 100 percent accurate. Another method can be carried out with oral saliva which has not yet yielded the final results, and the last method is implemented through a urine test strip to get the person's blood sugar level,” he added.

Arjmandian underlined the need for the government to support his invention, and said, “We can send information to the patient and doctor via the internet, bluetooth and wi-fi, and it will settle the problems that diabetics have to record blood sugar and other issues they face to present the test to the doctor.”

Blood sugar, or glucose, is the main sugar found in your blood. It comes from the food you eat, and is your body's main source of energy. Your blood carries glucose to all of your body's cells to use for energy. Diabetes is a disease in which your blood sugar levels are too high.

Islamic Azad University's "second step of revolution" under the title of Asreh Omid Event was held in Tehran's Mosalla from May 29 to June 01, 2022 to exhibit new achievements, equipment and products in the technological and innovation arenas in line with opening new windows towards strengthening the idea of creating ground for knowledge-based businesses at the 40th anniversary of establishment of the Islamic Azad University.


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