Iran-Made Gold Nanoparticle Kits Able to Detect Viruses, Narcotics Precisely
11:00 - May 15, 2023

Iran-Made Gold Nanoparticle Kits Able to Detect Viruses, Narcotics Precisely

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at an Iranian company have developed diagnosis kits in which gold nanoparticles have been used to detect viruses and narcotics precisely.
News ID : 2421

Gold nanoparticles are widely used in biomedical and diagnostic applications.

The company used nanoparticles to detect narcotics, hormones, and hepatitis and Covid-19 viruses, which, according to them, led to more accurate and faster diagnosis and reduced production costs.

The rapid detection kits of the company reduce the response time, increase the detection accuracy, increase the quality, and reduce the price.

Usually, antibodies and proteins are used in rapid detection kits, but since proteins are colorless and difficult to see with the naked eye, it is necessary to use other compounds.

Moreover, the accuracy of antibodies is low. Therefore, the use of gold nanoparticles eliminates the need for antibodies, while having advantages such as increasing the accuracy of detection and reducing the response time.

So far, the company has been able to produce four main groups of the kits for "detection of hormones", "detection of chemicals such as drug compounds", "detection of viruses such as the HIV virus" and "detection of heavy metals and toxins in food and water".

In addition, kits for the detection of "morphine", "amphetamine", "methamphetamine", "methadone" and "THC" are produced.

Also, kits for detecting HIV, hepatitis, and coronavirus as well as cardiac markers for early detection of heart attack in patients are among other products of the company.

Meanwhile, kits for the detection of residues of toxins and drugs in food, and kits for the detection of malachite green have been developed.

This kit can measure the level of malachite green in aquatic animals. This substance is added to water in fish farms, especially for salmon fish, to detoxicate the environment. This substance itself is toxic to the human body.


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