Iran to Start Production of High-Quality Oilseeds in 18 Nat’l Projects
22:07 - September 25, 2022

Iran to Start Production of High-Quality Oilseeds in 18 Nat’l Projects

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iran has plans to produce high-quality oilseeds within the framework of 18 national projects with the help of knowledge-based companies and specialists, a report said.
News ID : 242

Based on the report, three national projects in the field of rapeseed, three projects in the field of sunflower, two projects in the field of cotton production, one project for camellia production, two national projects for increased sugar beet production, three projects in the field of legumes and five projects for production of vegetables have been put on agenda in the country.

Given the importance of seeds as the primary input in production of agricultural products and the restrictions in supplying high-quality seeds due to sanctions imposed on the country, the Agricultural Working Group of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters of Iran’s Vice Presidency for Science and Technology has put on agenda more serious support for seed production which will be implemented with the assistance of knowledge-based companies.

The oilseeds play an effective and important role in providing food security and protecting the society’s health.

The seed industry is one of the most profitable businesses in the world, and based on the available data, Iran produces about 700,000 tons of certified seeds every year.

Iran depends on the world markets to supply a high percentage of the country's important and widely consumed seeds. This dependence leads to spending a large amount of foreign currency and reduces production; therefore, compiling national plans for self-reliance in supplying these seeds can have a great economic value for the country and reduce dependence on imports.


Tags: seeds oilseeds
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