Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops Contract Management Software

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops Contract Management Software

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has developed a system to make it possible to administer the registration of contracts in the country.
News ID : 2376

“The capability to register an application while also the possibility of choosing the type of application and the method of selecting a contractor is one of the things that become clear with the contract registration system, because in the system created by our company, choosing the type of tender, registering the basic information of the tender if picking a contractor is done through a tender, and adding work packages in the tender has been made possible,” said Arash Zarei, a member of the board of directors of the Iranian knowledge-based company, according to a report by the public relations department of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

Among the other capabilities of the software, he referred to the capability of registration of the bidder’s information, the possibility of adding bidder evaluation data-x-items along with weighting and adding related documents, recording the results of bidder evaluation according to the defined evaluation items, and recording the details of the winner of the tender.

Zarei also pointed to the possibility of registering price and product inquiries according to the type of bid and the price information of the supplier of the goods as two other advantages of the contract registration management system.

He further said that registering the contract information such as basic information related to the contract, choosing an employer, consultant, contractor, registering a bid for temporary or permanent delivery with the possibility of uploading relevant documents such as the temporary or permanent delivery bill, a certificate of control and correcting errors before temporary or permanent delivery are also available in this software.


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