Iranian Official Hails Manufacturing Smart, Automatic Methadone Distribution Device
14:00 - March 15, 2023

Iranian Official Hails Manufacturing Smart, Automatic Methadone Distribution Device

TEHRAN (ANA)- The director general of the health department of Iran’s prisons lauded the Iranian experts for production of a smart and automatic methadone distribution device for patients in prisons.
News ID : 1956

Given the numerous health problems and issues in the methadone distribution centers in prisons and the high annual death rate of patients due to methadone overdose, the need to build a device that fits the actual conditions of prisons in Iran in accordance with the health protocols about the use of methadone seemed necessary.

Therefore, the technological team of Islamic Azad University’s Najafabad branch succeeded in designing and building a smart and automatic device for methadone distribution among patients in prisons without operator intervention.

The technological product was unveiled by Nasser Soleimani, the director general of the health department of Iran’s prisons, and other relevant officials.

In a relevant development last year, an Iranian technological company stationed at the incubator center of Islamic Azad University’s Science and Research branch succeeded in production of a special diagnosis kit which can detect medicine and drug abuse simultaneously by using the TLC method.

‘Raad Jen Pars Azma’ company manufactured the kit which detects amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, morphine, codeine, methadone, tramadol, buprenorphine and cocaine by TLC method.

The technological company has succeeded in producing this kit in the incubator of Islamic Azad University’s Science and Research branch.

Reza Kazzempour, the head of the incubator center of the Science and Research branch, expressed pleasure with obtaining the license to produce the special kits from the General Directorate of Medical Equipment, and said, "The incubators enjoy high capacities to supply the medical equipment in the country, and we are trying to attract the technological and knowledge-based companies in the center and we welcome all innovative and creative plans and ideas.”


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