Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Designs System to Assess Risk Perception in Drivers

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Designs System to Assess Risk Perception in Drivers

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Iranian Vice Presidency for Science and Technology said that a group of researchers at a knowledge-based company have designed an educational system that can evaluate level of a person's perception of risk, adding, the data collected by the system can be effective in reducing traffic accidents.
News ID : 1952

“The risk perception assessment system is used to measure people's understanding of possible risks around their vehicles, and this system is utilized to manage the risk perception of people who are being trained to get their driving license, increase the skill of licensed drivers and professional drivers who drive a taxi and other big transportation vehicles,” Mosleh Abdulhadi, the executive director of the Iranian knowledge-based firm said, according to the website of the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

Saying that this product was developed based on cognitive technology, he added, “In this product, based on the assessment of behavioral cognitive parameters such as the level of attention, reaction time etc., it measures the level of a person's skill in facing possible dangers around him or her. Another feature of this product is measuring the type of reaction of a person to environmental risks."

Abdulhadi pointed out that the system comprises of software and hardware, explaining, “The hardware part of the system is a driving simulator device that has throttle and brake pedals at a minimum, a screen and a computerized processor.”

The researcher further said that the product relies on information technology and cognitive science in the field of convergent products, adding, "These two parts interact with each other to create a driving scenario for the user and intelligently record and measure the user's driving style and finally score the performance of the driver.”


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