Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Biological Substitutes for Pesticides

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Biological Substitutes for Pesticides

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran has been able to find an effective substitute for pesticides by designing and producing some new biological compounds.
News ID : 1868

This knowledge-based company operates in the field of plant medicine and the production of biological soil compounds and has managed to produce effective products that have become substitutes for pesticides over the past years.

“Our field of activity is categorized in two parts; Firstly, we are engaged in the production of biological compounds that can replace pesticides (poisons). In fact, these biological compounds can be used in parts of the plants where using poisons to treat the plant diseases is not effective, such as root and crown-related diseases. Secondly, the company is active giving advice to farmers and providing counselling services to them on herbal medicine and herbal nutrition,” Mojtabi Moradzadeh Eskandari, managing director of the Iranian knowledge-based company said.

He further said how they carry out their projects, adding, “When we enter a farm, we first check what diseases the farm suffers from. Then, based on the diseases, we introduce and recommend biological compounds. In fact, biological compounds are living organisms that exist in the soil itself, but some soils are poor in terms of having these compounds, and we try to strengthen the soil by adding these compounds to the soil.”

He said that their substitute for pesticides and poisons can help the country a lot in terms of reducing 35 tons of unnecessary total consumption of poisons annually and saving the country a lot of money through preventing costly pesticides from being imported into the country.

Eskandari went on to say that their biological substitutes have been broadly used in different provinces across Iran so far and have been welcomed by farmers.

The managing director of the knowledge-based firm also asserted, “Considering that one of the tasks of our company is to provide counselling services to farmers, we tried to increase the visits of the company's experts in different region, and these experts talked with farmers and held training classes for them…. today the farmers themselves have realized that the use of biological compounds is more effective in their cultivation.”

“For example, we diagnosed some tobacco diseases and added biological compounds to the soil based on them. We presented these combinations to the farmers in Golestan province last year, and they searched for our product this year as our biological substitutes had proven to be effective for them,” the researcher explained more.

Eskandari went on to say they even some farmers in neighboring countries have welcomed the product and now the company seeks funding to develop its activity to get to the international markets.


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