Smart City Management Possible with Iran-Made Three-Dimensional Digital Maps

With the support of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, the company has embarked on collecting digital data of cities and providing 3D spatial information benefitting from the most advanced hardware equipment and technical experience.
Accurate knowledge of condition of urban structure has become a necessity and requirement due to expansion of cities because old maps and traditional methods had made this necessity impossible.
Three-dimensional mapping technology is the process that utilizes machine learning algorithms to profile objects and create a three-dimensional view of them that can be mapped into the real world.
Three-dimensional urban modeling and simulation can lead relevant decision makers to have a correct and basic planning as the maps of this kind can display land surfaces, locations, buildings, vegetation, infrastructure, and landscape elements, and other related objects related to urban space.
Maps have been one of the main tools of city management from the past until today.
In this situation, the use of 3D maps is used as the most up-to-date tool at the world level.
These maps are created with the help of mapping drones and the data they record.
They display all urban spaces through digital data and provide the possibility of various spatial analysis for urban planners and managers.