Knowledge-Based Firm Prevents Energy Loss by Renovating Pipelines, Extraction Equipment

Knowledge-Based Firm Prevents Energy Loss by Renovating Pipelines, Extraction Equipment

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran helped prevention of energy loss by providing services and renovation of pipelines and extraction equipment.
News ID : 1773

Seyed Mohammad-Taqi Anjovimadar, a member of the board of directors of the knowledge-based company, underlined that reconstruction and renovation of pipelines and extraction equipment can prevent the wastage of resources to a large extent, adding, “Renovation of pipelines and extraction equipment by the Iranian companies can be carried out at much lower costs.”

“We secured and repaired head of the oil well by using a locally-made recyclable plug and therefore, we prevented repairing the well with the rig and spilling the fluid inside the structure. In the meantime, we shortened the time for start-up,” he said.

Anjovimadar noted that optimization of consumption of suspension-breaking substances, making process corrections, fixing operational problems and accurate and regular monitoring of consumption of these types of substances are among other services provided at the extraction site.

“We are trying to provide these services to Iraq and Oman as well, which can obviously bring significant foreign currency to the country,” he added.

In a relevant development, another knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing and building a top drive drilling device used for drilling oil and gas wells to a depth of over 4,000 meters.

 “The top drive device is one of the most important and up-to-date equipment in the drilling industry which is used for drilling and connecting or disconnecting drilling pipes with a different function and it has replaced the old drilling and pipe laying machines,” said Abbas Ali Gorji, the managing director of the knowledge-based Noavaran Taksaz San’at company.

He added that in recent decades, the dominant method for drilling offshore has been the use of this equipment, adding that at present, drilling with a top drive is much faster and safer, specially for hard ground on land or onshore areas.

“Top drive is a portable device that is used in different rigs. The ability to move the top drive properly and quickly on different rigs increases the speed of drilling, which has increased its application in the world's oil industry,” Gorji said.

He stressed that activities of his company in making top drive device are all based on the latest and state-of-the-art technology in drilling industry.




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