Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Water Treatment Machine with Capability to Remove Grease

“The sewage treatment machine is made via using MBBR technology, which is capable of removing fat and replacing the previous disinfection systems,” Mohammad Reza Emadi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company Soren Sazeh Sangsar located in Semana city said in an interview with ANA.
He said that the capability to control speed of the process and purification given the volume of the incoming wastewater and the very low price compared to counterparts are two of the competitive advantages of the machine, adding that the incoming wastewater can be purified and reused after going through several stages.
“This system can be employed separately or in combination with other methods in industrial centers, hospitals, offices and residential complexes. Given the problem of water scarcity in the [Semnan] province, it is helpful in reducing water consumption rate,” the managing director went on to say.
Davoud Maroufi, the Vice Chairman of Science and Technology Park of Semnan University, where the company is based said, “Soren Sazeh Sangsar Company is one of the technological companies located in Mahdishahr Innovation Center, which is operating in the field of designing, manufactureing and development of radiator systems in buildings and sustainable treatment of wastewater considering climatic conditions.”
“This company has designed, built and implemented a sewage treatment system for Asia Lent manufacturing company to recycle wastewater,” Maroufi added.