Tehran University Researchers Design, Manufacture Biosensor for Prostate Cancer Detection

According to the public relations department of the University of Tehran, the design and manufacturing of the microfluidic optical biosensor to detect prostate cancer was done as a result of the findings of the PhD thesis done by Mona Soroush under the supervision of Hedayatullah Ghorchian, a professor at the UT Department of Biophysics.
“Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and its timely diagnosis is of great importance,” Ghorchian sad.
“This biosensor is a tool to identify the concentration of a biological molecule in the serum of patients with prostate cancer," he added.
“Nanotechnologies, especially gold nanoparticles, have been used in the biosensor made by the researchers at the Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Center,” Ghorchian went on to say.
“In this research, gold nanoparticles were made and then antibody molecules were attached to the nanoparticles by chemical methods. As a result of the connection of the antibody molecule with the cancer marker molecule, a light message is created that can be received by the optical receiver,” Ghorchian said.
The professor further highlighted the competitive advantages of their biosensor, saying, “This sensor detects prostate cancer with higher sensitivity and more accuracy compared to old counterparts.”
“This new method allows prostate cancer screening too,” Ghorchian concluded.