Iranian Experts Make Instant Gas Detection Test Vials

Instant gas detection test kits or tubes are highly complex and technical, with 99 percent of them produced based on technical know-how and they are designed and manufactured in the form of vials.
Their function is similar to ampoules that break at both ends and are placed in a simple pump. The pump draws air into the vial from one side and expels it from the other, thus identifying various gases and environmental parameters.
One of the main applications of these kits is in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries; when restarting refineries or petrochemical plants after a shutdown, the gas in the lines and space should be checked. If this is done in a laboratory, a lot of time is wasted but these kits can determine the type and amount of gas present in a few seconds. This product is also vital in mines and can be effective in preventing accidents.
The Iranian company has so far exported these kits to Oman and the UAE.
In a relevant development in January, Iranian specialists at a knowledge-based company had also designed and manufactured special systems for monitoring and measuring industrial flue-gas stacks’ pollutants in petrochemical and cement industries.
“Researchers of our company have mass-produced knowledge-based products in the field of monitoring and measuring environmental pollutants, specially in the air pollution sector, and at present, they make 11 commercial knowledge-based products,” said Omid Hosseinpour, a technical expert at the knowledge-based company.
He described the ambient air pollutant station monitoring systems, ambient air particulate sampling device, real-time ambient noise pollution measurement device, portable chimney gas meter (PSGA), online industrial chimney gas meter (PSGA-ONLINE), and portable chimney flow meter (PSFM) as among the achievements of the company.
Hosseinpour described portable industrial flue-gas stack dust monitoring device (PSDM) as another product of the company, and stated, “This device is used to measure the concentration of particles emitted from the chimney of all industrial processes by sampling under aerokinetic conditions, and measuring the parameters of speed, pressure, temperature, humidity, and gas flow rate in the flue-gas stack.”