Extreme Weather Negatively Affects Italian Agriculture in 2023
9:00 - June 28, 2024

Extreme Weather Negatively Affects Italian Agriculture in 2023

TEHRAN (ANA)- Extreme weather significantly bruised Italy's agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors last year, new government data revealed, just as the country prepares for what could be another difficult year.
News ID : 6329

Italy's National Statistics Institute, ISTAT, said that production and added value in the sectors declined by 1.8 percent and 2.5 percent, respectively, compared to 2022. Employment in the three key sectors dropped by 2.4 percent last year, the institute added.

In the summer of 2023, bouts of extreme weather affected most of Europe, though Italy suffered more than most. ISTAT said that production in agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors was 0.4 percent lower across Europe and the sectors created 0.8 percent less added value as a whole.

The latest data also showed that wine production in Italy was 17.4 percent lower than in 2022 when measured by volume, though there are indications that wine quality has improved.

The last two summers in Italy were marked by unusually hot weather that included drought, strong thunderstorms, floods, high winds, hail, and wildfires -- all of which impacted agriculture and damaged infrastructure.


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