Iran Launches Major Wind Power Plant in Southeast
10:00 - June 13, 2024

Iran Launches Major Wind Power Plant in Southeast

TEHRAN (ANA)- The biggest wind power station in the Eastern part of Iran was inaugurated in Sistan and Baluchistan province with a capacity of 50 megawatts which contains twenty 2.5-MW wind turbines.
News ID : 6204

According to a report by Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization based in Tehran, in a ceremony attended by the Iranian energy minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian, the largest wind farm in the Eastern part of Iran was inaugurated. The farm was built with an investment of 56.5 million euros.

Mil Nader Wind Power Plant has a capacity of 50 MW and includes twenty 2.5-MW Type-2 wind turbines. The construction work of the power plant started in 2020 and after carrying out construction operations, transferring the equipment to the site and installing them, it was inaugurated in the presence of the energy minister.

The station is built in an area over nearly 1000 hectares in Nimruz County in the northwest of Zabul County in Sistan and Baluchistan province.

With this power plant, more than 250 million liters of water and 30 million liters of diesel will be saved annually as a result of every 100 megawatts of renewable energy production. The turbines used in the farm are suitable for high wind speeds and are equipped to operate in high temperatures and dust storms with the implementation of the latest changes to them.

According to the report, the Mil Nader station capacity is slated to increase to 700 MW in the coming years.


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