Official: South Pars Gas Output Reaches 570 mcm/d
19:07 - November 06, 2022

Official: South Pars Gas Output Reaches 570 mcm/d

TEHRAN (ANA)- Managing-Director of South Pars Gas Company (SPGC) Ahmad Bahoush announced that the natural gas production from the giant South Pars Gas Field has reached 570 million cubic meters (mcm) per day.
News ID : 619

“At present, the share of gas in the country's fossil energy portfolio is 73.7%, and the share of South Pars in meeting this need of the country is more than 50% of this amount, and given the existence of 50% of Iran's gas storage tanks, 75% of the country's gas in 13 refineries of this complex is produced,” Bahoush said.

He confirmed the daily production of 570 million cubic meters of gas in the 13 refineries of the country's largest gas complex, and said, “South Pars Gas Field supplies 75% of the gas needed by the country with the help of indigenous know-how, expertise of experts and hardworking employees.”

“Today, gas as the main energy supplier of the country and given its close relation with the products of various commercial, industrial, and tourism industries is very important for all seasons of the year and it has gained a high position and importance in the country's security, production, industry, and trade,” Bahoush said.

SPGC is operating several gas refineries in Southern Iran that are currently processing the gas extracted from the country’s giant South Pars gas field which Iran shares with Qatar in the Persian Gulf.

South Pars is currently divided into 24 standard phases on the Iranian side and is estimated to contain a significant amount of natural gas, accounting for about eight percent of the world’s reserves, and approximately 18 billion barrels of condensate.

The mentioned gas field covers an area of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square kilometers of which, called South Pars, are in Iran’s territorial waters. The remaining 6,000 square kilometers, called North Dome, are situated in Qatar’s territorial waters.





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